地形作成ゲーム The game which makes the shape of the ground
This was made by processing. The game with which the shape of the land is made.
This game is able to put or get a wood,a ground, a leaf, water and a rock.
When you left-click, it’s possible to put a block of a ground, grass and water.
When you right-click, it’s possible to get a ground, a wood and a water.
The way to move a main character is “ASDW” key, and you can change the direction “←↓→↑”.
The block the main character holds in his hand is chosen in “◀▶” key.
Pressing “shift + D” key will display information on load on the PC. Various buttons are displayed, but you can concentrate on the game by pressing the “D” key and deleting the display.
地形 ground
int[][] veryerror = { //50x5 {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, }, {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, }, {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, }, {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, {0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, }, }; float framerate = frameRate; int seed = int(random(2147483647)); int fileerror; boolean debug; void ik(PImage data, float x, float y, float k, boolean h) { PGraphics pg = createGraphics(data.width, data.height); if (h) { k = -k; pg.beginDraw(); pg.scale(-1, 1); pg.image(data, -data.width, 0); pg.endDraw(); data = pg.get(); } x -= (data.width/2); y -= (data.height/2); pushMatrix(); translate(x + (data.width/2), y + (data.height/2)); rotate(radians(k)); image(data, 0-data.width/2, 0-data.height/2); popMatrix(); rotate(0); } boolean[] Key = new boolean[128]; PFont font; String fontpass = "data/font32.vlw"; void setup() { if (loadBytes(fontpass) == null) { fileerror = 2; } else { font = loadFont(fontpass); textFont(font); } ; size(720, 512); //45x32 noStroke(); noSmooth(); bgsetting(1); if (load() != 1)fileerror++; //gazouworo-do println(fileerror); if (fileerror > 0)noLoop(); if (fileerror == 1) { textSize(32); background(0); fill(255, 255, 255); text("画像ファイルが見当たらねぇんだけど、", 3, 32); text("no image file", 3, 64); textSize(16); text("これらのファイルが見つかりません", 3, 128-16); text(errorfilelist, 3, 128); textSize(16); } if (fileerror >= 2) { background(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++) { if (veryerror[f][i] == 1) { fill(255); rect((i+0.5)*14.4, (f+15)*14.4, 14.4, 14.4); } } } } if (fileerror == 0) { seise(0); } } boolean guie = true; int mla = 0; void keisoku(String a, int y) { if (debug) { String in = a; int scx = (millis()-mla); mla = millis(); fill(0); textSize(16); text(in, 0, (y+1)*18); text(" Time", 64, (y+1)*18); fill(0); rect((120)-1, (y*18)-1+2, (scx*2)+2, 16+2); fill(255); rect(120, y*18+2, scx*2, 16); } } void draw() { if (frameCount%30 == 0) { framerate = frameRate; } if (fileerror == 0) { ; background(bgcolor); bg(); keisoku("ハイケイ ", 0); scale(1); pld(); fill(0); textSize(16); keisoku("プレイヤー", 1); mdraw(); keisoku("マップ", 2); if (frameCount < 5) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { mm(); } } if (frameCount%4 == 0)mm(); keisoku("エンザン", 3); if (Key['N'])guie = false; if (Key['n'])guie = true; if (guie)gdraw(); keisoku("ジーユーアイ", 4); ; if (Key['D']) { debug = true; } if (Key['d']) { debug = false; } } }
void keyPressed() { int t = key; //println(int(keyCode)); if (t < 128) { Key[t] = true; } if (t > 256) { t = keyCode; if (t < 128) { Key[t] = true; } } } void keyReleased() { int t = key; if (t < 128) { Key[t] = false; } if (t > 256) { t = keyCode; if (t < 128) { Key[t] = false; } } }
PGraphics bger; PImage kumo0, kumo1, kumos0, kumos1; float s; int kky = 256, kkys = -16; void bgsetting(int ba) { kumo0 = loadImage("tex/kr.png"); kumo1 = loadImage("tex/kl.png"); kumos0 = loadImage("tex/krs.png"); kumos1 = loadImage("tex/kls.png"); background(bgcolor); bger = createGraphics(720+32, 512); bger.noSmooth(); noiseDetail(1); for (int i = 0; i < ba; i++) { bger.beginDraw(); bger.noStroke(); bger.fill(bgcolor); bger.rect(719, 0, 1, 512); bger.fill(255); bger.rect(719, kky+16, 1, 512-kky); if (frameCount%50 == 0) { if (noise(s)*2 > (float)int(((float)kky/512)*100)/100) { kkys = 1; } else { kkys = -1; } } kky += kkys; //println((float)int(((float)y/512)*20)/20); s += 0.05; bger.image(bger.get(1, 0, 719, 512), 0, 0); bger.endDraw(); } } boolean fai = false; int okk; void bg() { background(bgcolor); noiseDetail(2); if (frameCount%2 == 1) { bger.beginDraw(); okk = kkys; if (frameCount%32 == 1) { bger.noStroke(); bger.fill(bgcolor); bger.rect(736, 0, 16, 512); bger.fill(255); bger.rect(736, kky+16, 16, 512-kky); if (kkys > 0) { bger.image(kumo1, 736, kky); bger.tint(bgcolor); bger.image(kumos1, 736-16, kky-18); bger.noTint(); } else { bger.image(kumo0, 736, kky); bger.tint(bgcolor); bger.image(kumos0, 736-16, kky-18); bger.noTint(); } kkys = okk; if (noise(s)/2 > (float)int(((float)kky/512)*64)/64) { kkys = 16; } else { kkys = -16; } //println((float)int(((float)y/512)*20)/20); s += 0.15/2; if (int(okk) == int(kkys))kky += kkys; } bger.image(bger.get(1, 0, 751, 512), 0, 0); bger.endDraw(); } image(bger, 0, 0); fill(bgcolor); rect(0, 256, 720, 256); }
PImage sloti; boolean c = false; float ssa = 0; int[] iteml = { 1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 7, 8, }; int sl = 3; int[] sitem = new int[iteml.length]; int[] tsitem = new int[iteml.length]; boolean tm, tm2; void gdraw() { int l = iteml.length; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { int ss = 0; if (tsitem[i] != sitem[i]) { ss = -1; } if (sitem[i] > 1024)sitem[i] = 1024; tint(255, 128); image(sloti, 360+((i-((float)l/2))*48), 0); noTint(); if (i == sl)image(sloti, 360+((i-((float)l/2))*48), 0); tint(0, 128); image(blocks[iteml[i]], 360+((i-((float)l/2))*48)+8+1, 8+1, 32, 32); tint(255); if (sitem[i] > 0)noTint(); image(blocks[iteml[i]], 360+((i-((float)l/2))*48)+7, 7, 32, 32); fill(64); if (ss < 0) { blendMode(ADD); rect(360+((i-((float)l/2))*48)+7, 7, 32, 32); blendMode(BLEND); } textSize(16); if (sitem[i] > 0)tex(str(sitem[i]), 360+((i-((float)l/2))*48)+43-(textWidth(str(sitem[i]))), 35, 230); if (sitem[i] < 0)sitem[i] = 0; //チート if (frameCount < 10) { if (iteml[i] != 0)sitem[i] = 16; } tsitem[i] = sitem[i]; //チート終わり } if (Key[RIGHT]) { if (!tm) { sl++; if (sl >= l)sl = 0; tm = true; } } else { tm = false; } if (Key[LEFT]) { if (!tm2) { sl--; if (sl < 0)sl = l-1; tm2 = true; } } else { tm2 = false; } ; if (debug) { c = false; if (bot("ON", 662, 0, ken == 1))ken = 1; if (bot("OFF", 662-60, 0, ken == 0))ken = 0; if (bot("チート", 662, 60, c)) { //c = true; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { sitem[i] = 9999; } } if (bot("デバック", 662-60, 60, c)) { for (int i = 0; i < 450; i++) { for (int f = 0; f < 31; f++) { map[i][f] = 0; } } } /* if (bot("-", 662-60, 95, c)) { ssa -= 0.002; seise(ssa); for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++){ mm(); } } if (bot("+", 662, 95, c)) { ssa += 0.002; seise(ssa); for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++){ mm(); } } */ textSize(16); tex("キーボード操作", 602, 47, 240); ; fill(0); } //rect((float)sx/10, 0, 1, 1); } ; ; boolean bot(String t, float x, float y, boolean f) { int w = 50; int h = 40-8; //w = int(textWidth(t)+16)-8; x += 2; y += 2; ; w -= 2; h -= 2; x += 2; y += 2; boolean a = false; if (x <= mouseX && x+w >= mouseX) { if (y <= mouseY && y+h >= mouseY) { a = true; } } w += 2; h += 2; x -= 2; y -= 2; int ofx = 0; int ofy = -4; ; w -= 2; h -= 2; x += 3; y += 4; ; fill(0, 64); rect(x, y, w, h); if (f)rect(x, y, w, h); fill(255); text(t, x+(w/2)-(textWidth(t)/2)+ofx, h+2+y-7+ofy); if (!mousePressed)a = false; return a; }
PImage pla, plb, plu; PImage[] blocks = new PImage[256]; String m; String errorfilelist = ""; PImage loadimage(String in) { PImage out = loadImage(in); if (out == null) { fileerror = 1; errorfilelist += in+"\n"; } return out; } int load() { int ok = 1; pla = loadimage("tex/asi.png"); plb = loadimage("tex/body.png"); plu = loadimage("tex/ude.png"); blocks[0] = loadimage("tex/air.png"); blocks[1] = loadimage("tex/tuti.png"); blocks[2] = loadimage("tex/kusa.png"); blocks[3] = loadimage("tex/isi.png"); blocks[4] = loadimage("tex/mizuk.png"); blocks[5] = loadimage("tex/mizu.png"); blocks[6] = loadimage("tex/mizu2.png"); blocks[7] = loadimage("tex/woodf.png"); blocks[8] = loadimage("tex/ha.png"); blocks[9] = loadimage("tex/point.png"); for(int i = 128; i < 128+64; i++){ blocks[i] = loadimage("tex/speq.png").get((i-128)*16,0,16,16); } PImage nulli = loadimage("tex/null.png"); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (blocks[i] == null)blocks[i] = nulli; } sloti = loadimage("tex/slota.png"); return ok; } void tex(String in, float x, float y) { x += 2; y += 7; fill(0); for (int i = -2; i < 3; i++) { for (int f = -2; f < 3; f++) { text(in, x+i, y+f); } } fill(255); text(in, x, y); } void tex(String in, float x, float y, float t) { x += 2; y += 7; fill(0, t/16); for (int i = -2; i < 3; i++) { for (int f = -2; f < 3; f++) { text(in, x+i, y+f); } } fill(255, t); text(in, x, y); } PImage mt(PImage data, PImage data2, boolean f) { PGraphics pg = createGraphics(data.width, data.height); pg.beginDraw(); pg.image(data, 0, 0); if(!f)pg.tint(255,128); pg.image(data2, 10, 48); pg.endDraw(); return pg; }
int[][] map = new int[450][32]; boolean[][] mapa = new boolean[450][32]; color bgcolor = color(224, 240, 255); int sx = 203*16+320; void seise(float tw) { //seed = 1470879616; for (int i = 0; i < 450; i++) { for (int f = 0; f < 32; f++) { map[i][f] = 0; mapa[i][f] = false; if (random(0.0, 1.0) > 0)mapa[i][f] = true; } } noiseDetail(5); noiseSeed(seed); randomSeed(seed); println("seed = "+seed); float n = 0; float na = 0; int t = 0; int ot = 0; int bck = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 450; i++) { float k = (((noise(n, tw)-0.5)*2)*16)+16; n += 0.03; na += 0.07; ; ot = t; t = int(k); boolean af = false; if (noise(na, tw) < 0.1)af = true; for (int f = t; f < 32; f++) { if (t <= 16) { map[i][f] = 2; } else { map[i][f] = 1; } } for (int f = t+1; f < 32; f++) { map[i][f] = 1; } if (af) { for (int f = t; f < noise(10, 16, tw); f++) { map[i][f] = 3; } } if (t > 17) { map[i][t] = 3; if (t+1 < 32)map[i][t+1] = 3; } else { if (random(100) < 12 && i%7 == 0) { map[i][t+1] = 1; map[i][t] = 1; if (t > 1)map[i][t-1] = 7; if (t > 2)map[i][t-2] = 7; if (t > 3)map[i][t-3] = 7; //if (t > 3 && i > 2)map[i-2][t-3] = 8; //if (t > 3 && i > 1)map[i-1][t-3] = 8; //if (t > 3 && i < 450-2)map[i+2][t-3] = 8; //if (t > 3 && i < 450-1)map[i+1][t-3] = 8; ; if (t > 4 && i > 2)map[i-2][t-4] = 8; if (t > 4 && i > 1)map[i-1][t-4] = 8; if (t > 4)map[i][t-4] = 7; if (t > 4 && i < 450-2)map[i+2][t-4] = 8; if (t > 4 && i < 450-1)map[i+1][t-4] = 8; ; if (t > 5 && i > 2)map[i-2][t-5] = 8; if (t > 5 && i > 1)map[i-1][t-5] = 8; if (t > 5)map[i][t-5] = 7; if (t > 5 && i < 450-2)map[i+2][t-5] = 8; if (t > 5 && i < 450-1)map[i+1][t-5] = 8; ; if (t > 6 && i > 2)map[i-2][t-6] = 8; if (t > 6 && i > 1)map[i-1][t-6] = 8; if (t > 6)map[i][t-6] = 8; if (t > 6 && i < 450-2)map[i+2][t-6] = 8; if (t > 6 && i < 450-1)map[i+1][t-6] = 8; ; if (t > 7 && i > 7)map[i-1][t-7] = 8; if (t > 7)map[i][t-7] = 8; if (t > 7 && i < 450-1)map[i+1][t-7] = 8; ; } } for (int f = int(noise((float)i/10)*5)+24; f < 32; f++) { if (map[i][f] != 0)map[i][f] = 3; } for (int f = 0; f < 32; f++) { if (noise((float)i/24, (float)f/24) < 0.3) { if (map[i][f] == 1 || map[i][f] == 2 || map[i][f] == 3) { map[i][f] = 0; bck++; } } } if (map[i][16] == 0)map[i][16] = 4; if (random(100) < 2 && t > 0)map[i][t-1] = 4; } for (int i = 0; i < 450; i++) { for (int f = 0; f < 32; f++) { if (i <= 0 || i > 430)map[i][f] = 9; } } println(bck+"ブロックをぶっ壊しました"); } float fa = 0; void mm() { int t = sx/16; if (t > 448-50)t = 448-50; if (sx >= (448-50)*16) { sx = ((448-50)*16)-1; plx -= 1; plxs = 0; } //fa -= 0.5; if (fa < 0)fa = 0; for (int x = -1; x < 450; x++) { fa -= 1; if (fa < 0)fa = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) { int xt = x; if (xt < 0)xt = 0; if (xt >= 450)xt = 449; int a = map[xt][y]; if (fa <= 0) { if (map[xt][y] == 1 || map[xt][y] == 2 || map[xt][y] == 3 || map[xt][y] == 7) { if (y < 32-1) { if (map[xt][y+1] == 0 || map[xt][y+1] == 4) { if (xt > 1 && xt < 449) { if (map[xt-1][y] == 0 || map[xt+1][y] == 0) { map[xt][y+1] = map[xt][y]; map[xt][y] = 0; fa = 1; } } } } } } if (y > 1 && map[xt][y] == 2) { if (map[xt][y-1] != 0 && map[xt][y-1] != 4) { map[xt][y] = 1; } } if (y > 0 && map[xt][y] == 4 && map[xt][y-1] == 0)a = 5; ; if (fa <= 0) { ; if (y+1 < 32) { if (map[xt][y] == 4 || map[xt][y] == 5) { if (map[xt][y+1] > 0 && map[xt][y+1] < 4) { if (xt < 449) { if (map[xt+1][y] == 0) { map[xt+1][y] = 4; fa = 3; } } if (xt > 000) { if (map[xt-1][y] == 0) { map[xt-1][y] = 4; fa = 2; } } //if(y > 1)map[xt][y-1] = 0; } if (map[xt][y+1] == 0) { map[xt][y+1] = 4; //if(y > 1)map[xt][y] = 0; fa = 1; } } } ; } } } } void mdraw() { ; int t = sx/16; for (int x = -1; x < 46; x++) { int f = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) { int xt = x+t; if (xt < 0)xt = 0; int a = map[xt][y]; if (y > 0 && map[xt][y] == 4 && map[xt][y-1] == 0)a = 5; blendMode(BLEND); noTint(); if (a != 0 && a != 4 && a != 8 && a != 7) { f++; } tint(255-(f*3)); if (a >= 4 && a <= 6) { blendMode(MULTIPLY); tint(255, 80); } if (a != 0) { image(blocks[a], (x*16)-(sx%16), y*16); } if (a == 5) { blendMode(ADD); tint(255); image(blocks[128+(((frameCount+(x*30*30))%(64*30))/30)], (x*16)-(sx%16), y*16); } ; } ; } blendMode(BLEND); noTint(); image(blocks[9], (mx*16)+(sx%16), (my*16)); //sx = int(sx/16)*16; }
int ken = 1; float plx = 3248+(720), ply = 64, plxs, plys, plr, plar, plrr, pls = 10; float plm = 54; float pff = 1; boolean je = false; boolean pae = false; float grav = 1; float jp = 1; boolean dow = false; int bta; int mx,my; void pld() { ; pae = true; //if (sx%16 == 0)pae = true; ; //プレイヤー描画 tint(220, 200, 180); int up = 0; int ap = 0; if (plxs < 0)up = 6; if (plxs < 0)ap = -3; ply -= plb.height; plx -= plb.width/2; plx -= sx; int tem = 0; plm = 52; pff = 1; if (dow) { tem = 18; plm = 75; pff = 0.5; } float fa = 0; /* if(frameCount%2 == 0){ fa -= 0.5; }else{ fa += 0.5; } */ bta = (tem+bta*10)/11; //println(dow); ik(pla, plx+17+ap, ply+32+fa, (-int(plar/3)*3)+plrr, plxs < 0);//後ろ足 ik(plu, plx+12+up, ply+20+bta+fa, (-int(plr/3)*3)+plrr+2, plxs < 0);//後ろ腕 noTint(); ik(pla, plx+17+ap, ply+32+fa, (+int(plar/3)*3)+plrr, plxs < 0);//前足 ik(plb, int(plx+15.5+0.5), int(ply+32+bta+0.5), (0+plrr), plxs < 0);//体 int baa = iteml[sl]; PImage hand = mt(plu, blocks[baa], sitem[sl] > 0); ik(hand, plx+12+up+fa, ply+21+bta, (+int(plr/3)*3)+plrr, plxs < 0);//前腕 ply += plb.height; plx += plb.width/2; plx += sx; plr = -sin(pls)*25*pff; plar = sin(pls)*20*pff; //プレイヤー描画終了 int t = sx/16; //プレイヤー操作 ; /* if (Key[LEFT ])plxs += -0.1; if (Key[RIGHT])plxs += +0.1; */ ; int xa = mouseY - pmouseY; if (ken == 1) { if (Key['a'])plxs += -0.1; if (Key['d'])plxs += +0.1; if (je)if (Key['w'])plys = -2.1*2*jp; if (Key['s']) { dow = true; } else { dow = false; } } else { if (mouseX < plx-sx-16)plxs += -0.1; if (mouseX > plx-sx+16)plxs += +0.1; if (je)if (xa < -4)plys = -2.1*2*jp; if (je)if (xa < -16)plys += -1*2*jp; } //println(sx%16); mx = int(round((mouseX-(sx%16))/16)); my = (mouseY)/16; if (mousePressed) { if (my > 31)my = 31; if (my < 0)my = 0; if (mouseButton == RIGHT) { for (int i = 0; i < iteml.length; i++) { if (map[mx+t][my] == iteml[i] && map[mx+t][my] != 0)sitem[i]++; } map[mx+t][my] = 0; } if (mouseButton == LEFT) { int b = iteml[sl]; if (sitem[sl] > 0 && map[mx+t][my] == 0 || map[mx+t][my] == 4 || map[mx+t][my] == 5) { if (b != 0) { map[mx+t][my] = b; sitem[sl]--; } } } } ; //if (je)if (Key[UP])plys = -2; plys += 0.2/2*grav; if (ply > 512)plys = -0.1; plxs /= plm/50; // float aplxs = plxs; if (aplxs < 0)aplxs = -aplxs; pls += aplxs/13; if (pls > TWO_PI)pls = 0; pff += 0.1; if (aplxs < 0.2)pff -= 0.2; if (pff > 1)pff = 1; if (pff < 0)pff = 0; ; //println(pls); //プレイヤー操作終了 ; if (t > 449-45)t = 449-45; //問題の当たり判定プログラム int px = int(plx/16); int py = int(ply/16); if (py >= 32)py = 31-1; if (px >= 450-1)px = 449-1; if (px < 1)px = 1; if (py < 1)py = 1; textSize(32); int ff = map[px][py]; //tex(" "+str(int(ff)), 0, 24); grav = 1; je = false; if (ff > 0 && ff < 4 || ff > 6) { plys = -0.01; ply = py*16; je = true; } /* if(Key[SHIFT]){ grav = 0.05; je = true; } */ ff = map[px-1][py-1]; if (ff == 0 && py > 2)ff = map[px-1][py-2]; if (!dow)if (ff == 0 && py > 3)ff = map[px-1][py-3]; if (ff >= 4 && ff <= 6)ff = 0; if (ff > 0) { plx += 2; plxs = -0.01; } ff = map[px+1][py-1]; if (ff == 0 && py > 2)ff = map[px+1][py-2]; if (!dow)if (ff == 0 && py > 3)ff = map[px+1][py-3]; if (ff >= 4 && ff <= 6)ff = 0; if (ff > 0) { plx -= 2; plxs = +0.01; } ; if (py > 1)ff = map[px][py-1]; jp = 1; if (ff >= 4 && ff <= 6) { ff = 0; grav = 0.4; je = true; jp = 0.2; } ; if (py > 4) { ff = map[px][py-4]; if (ff > 0 && ff < 4 || ff > 6) { plys = .5; } } ; if (px-t >= 45-4)sx += 4; if (px-t <= 4)sx -= 4; //加速度 if (pae) { plx += plxs; ply += plys; } if (sx < 0)sx = 0; sx = ((round(sx/16)*16)+sx*15)/16; //println(px); }
Let’s play this game!