雲のスクリーンセーバー Cloud Screensaver
I made cloud screensaver with “processing”.
You can change the sky color to blue sky or evening glow by changing the number of the program.
The image used is only a sector (circle of one quarter).
This is a screensaver, so if you touch the mouse or key, it disappears immediately.
color bgcolor = color(128, 128, 128); PGraphics bg; String[] op = { "200,220,255", "一行目だけを読み取ってます。", "夕焼けにしたい場合は一行目を 255,195,125 に置き換えてください", "スペースを空けると多分クラッシュします。", "ではでは。", "kohacraft" }; String[] sp = { "3", "一行目だけを読み取ってます。", "1以上にしないとクラッシュします。", "数値が高い方が遅くなります(分周?)。", "ではでは。", "kohacraft" }; int tat; int spa = 3; void setup() { //fullScreen(P2D); size(1920,1080,P2D); noStroke(); noSmooth(); bgsetting(0); tat = height/4; noCursor(); String[] opa = loadStrings("color.txt"); if (opa != null) { if (splitTokens(opa[0], ",").length > 2) { int r = int(splitTokens(opa[0], ",")[0]); int g = int(splitTokens(opa[0], ",")[1]); int b = int(splitTokens(opa[0], ",")[2]); bgcolor = color(r, g, b); println(r, g, b); } } else { saveStrings("color.txt", op); } String[] spaa = loadStrings("speed.txt"); if (spaa != null) { int spt = int(spaa[0]); println(spaa[0], spt); spa = spt; } else { saveStrings("speed.txt", sp); } //spa = 1; frameRate(60/spa); //bgcolor = color(255,195,125); bg = createGraphics(width, height); bg.noSmooth(); bg.beginDraw(); bg.noSmooth(); bg.noStroke(); float f = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { float g = ((float)(50-i)/500)+1; bg.fill(red(bgcolor)*g, green(bgcolor)*g, blue(bgcolor)*g); bg.rect(0, (height/1.5)+f, width, height/4); f *= 1.1; } bg.endDraw(); } void draw() { bg(); image(bg, 0, 0); } void mouseMoved() { if (frameCount > 10) { //exit(); } } void keyPressed() { exit(); }
PGraphics bger; PImage kumo0, kumo1, kumos0, kumos1; float s; int kky = height*8, kkys = -16; void bgsetting(int ba) { kumo0 = loadImage("data/kr.png"); kumo1 = loadImage("data/kl.png"); kumos0 = loadImage("data/krs.png"); kumos1 = loadImage("data/kls.png"); background(bgcolor); bger = createGraphics(width+32, height); bger.noSmooth(); noiseDetail(1); } boolean fai = false; int okk; void bg() { background(bgcolor); noiseDetail(2); bger.beginDraw(); okk = kkys; if (frameCount%(16) == 1) { bger.noStroke(); bger.fill(bgcolor); bger.rect(width+16, 0, 16, height); bger.fill(255); bger.rect(width+16, kky+16, 16, height-kky); if (kkys > 0) { bger.image(kumo1, width+16, kky); bger.tint(bgcolor); bger.image(kumos1, width, kky-18); bger.noTint(); } else { bger.image(kumo0, width+16, kky); bger.tint(bgcolor); bger.image(kumos0, width, kky-18); bger.noTint(); } kkys = okk; if (noise(s)/1.3 > (float)int(((float)kky/height)*tat)/tat) { kkys = 16; } else { kkys = -16; } s += 0.07; if (int(okk) == int(kkys))kky += kkys; } bger.image(bger.get(1, 0, width+31, height), 0, 0); bger.endDraw(); image(bger, 0, 0); }
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