ART ~光の芸術~ Art of light
Processingで作った模様がランダムに動く作品です。 10行目と32行目の数字を変えて遊んでみてください。 模様の細かさ、様子が変わって面白いと思います。
The work I made with “Processing” is a randomly moving piece. Please change the numbers on lines 10 and 32 and play around. I think that the fineness of the pattern, the appearance changes and it is interesting.
Download zip file here ↓
void setup() { size(800, 800); //fullScreen(); blendMode(ADD); background(0); //noSmooth(); stroke(100/2, 170/2, 255/2); //noLoop(); ///noiseSeed(0); noiseDetail(4); } float a; float b; void draw() { background(0); float x = 0; float y = 0; float _x = 0; float _y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6000; i++) { x = noise(a, b)*width; y = noise(a+45, b)*height; float s = 5; if(i == 0){ _x = x; _y = y; }else{ _x = (x+_x*s)/(s+1); _y = (y+_y*s)/(s+1); } if(random(100) < 90)point(_x, _y); a += .001; } a = 0; b += 0.01; save(frameCount+".png"); }