モノクロ写真をカラー写真にするソフト Software to make monochrome photos color photos
First, I will make color photographs completely black and white. Please use image editing software etc.
これで、カラーデータがなくなりました。With this, the color data is gone.
Next, hnc.png is written on line 8 of this software. This is the monochrome photo file name. Enter the file name of the photo you want to fix to color here. Then press the ▶ button on “processing”
It will be like this.
Pretty close to the original color! !
It has been reproduced.
Download zip file here ↓
Source code here ↓
Please make the filename of line 8 the name of the picture you want to color.
//String name = "hnnc.png-outm.jpg"; boolean yes = false; boolean no = true; String name = "hnc.png"; boolean jpeg = no; int nois = 0; float[] yuv(float r, float g, float b) { float[] o = {0, 0, 0}; o[0]=0.299*r+0.587*g+0.114*b; o[1]=0.5*r-0.419*g-0.081*b+128; o[2]=-0.169*r-0.332*g+0.5*b+128; return o; } color rgb(float y, float cr, float cb) { float[] o = {0, 0, 0}; o[0] = y+(cr*1.402); o[1] = y-(cr*0.714)-(cb*0.344); o[2] = y+(cb*1.772); /* R = Y+1.402Cr G = Y-0.714Cr-0.344Cb B = Y+1.772Cb */ return color(o[0], o[1], o[2]); } float pcr, pcb; PImage i; PImage back; int m = 0b10000000; PGraphics pg; PGraphics pg2; PGraphics pgmono; //hsync = 160 //none = 42 //vsync = 3 int g; int[] bu = new int[386400]; byte[] da = new byte[386400+256]; void setup() { println(millis()+"ms "+"起動"); size(800, 483); noStroke(); //noSmooth(); background(0, 255, 0); println(millis()+"ms "+"画像ロード開始"); i = loadImage(name); back = loadImage("back.png"); println(millis()+"ms "+"画像ロード終了"); println(millis()+"ms "+"createGraphics開始"); pg = createGraphics(640, 480); pg2 = createGraphics(640, 480); pgmono = createGraphics(640, 480); println(millis()+"ms "+"createGraphics終了"); //image(back, 0, 0); //for (int ii = 800-640; ii > 0; ii--) { println(millis()+"ms "+"画像表示開始"); if (jpeg) { image(i, 3, 0, i.width, i.height); } else { image(i, 0, 0, i.width, i.height); } println(millis()+"ms "+"画像表示完了"); //} ///background(128,0,128); //pg.noStroke(); pg.noSmooth(); pgmono.noSmooth(); smooth(4); pg.beginDraw(); pgmono.beginDraw(); pg.background(0); pgmono.background(0); scale(1, 1); //pg.scale(1,1); println(millis()+"ms "+"データ解析開始"); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { da[i] = byte(i); } for (int y = 0; y < 483; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 800; x += 1) { //bu[x] = int(yuv(red(get(int(x), y)), green(get(int(x), y)), blue(get(int(x), y)))[0]); int xx = int(x/1); xx *= 1; bu[x] = int(yuv(red(get(int(xx), y)), green(get(int(xx), y)), blue(get(int(xx), y)))[0]); //bu[x*4+1] = int(yuv(red(get(int(x), y)), green(get(int(x), y)), blue(get(int(x), y)))[0]); //bu[x*4+2] = int(yuv(red(get(int(x), y)), green(get(int(x), y)), blue(get(int(x), y)))[0]); //bu[x*4+3] = int(yuv(red(get(int(x), y)), green(get(int(x), y)), blue(get(int(x), y)))[0]); if (g == 0)bu[x] += (int(yuv(red(get(int(x), y)), green(get(int(x), y)), blue(get(int(x), y)))[2])-127)/4; if (g == 1)bu[x] += (int(yuv(red(get(int(x), y)), green(get(int(x), y)), blue(get(int(x), y)))[1])-127)/4; if (g == 2)bu[x] -= (int(yuv(red(get(int(x), y)), green(get(int(x), y)), blue(get(int(x), y)))[2])-127)/4; if (g == 3)bu[x] -= (int(yuv(red(get(int(x), y)), green(get(int(x), y)), blue(get(int(x), y)))[1])-127)/4; g++; if (g == 4)g = 0; da[(y*800)+x+256] = byte(bu[x]/2+64); if (x > 640) { da[(y*800)+x+256] = byte(0); } if (x > 640 && y > 480) { da[(y*800)+x+256] = byte(0); } //da[(y*800)+x] = byte(da[(y*800)+x]^m); //println(bu[x]); bu[x] += random(-nois, nois); } pcr = 0; pcb = 0; float ya = 0; float yas = 0; float yasa = 0; float yasat = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 640/4; x++) { color c = color(128); float yy = ((bu[x*4]+bu[x*4+1]+bu[x*4+2]+bu[x*4+4])/4); float mono0 = ((bu[x*4]+bu[x*4+2])/2); float mono1 = ((bu[x*4+1]+bu[x*4+4])/2); float mono = yy; float cb = mono0-(bu[x*4+0]); float cr = mono1-(bu[x*4+3]); //if (cb > 255)cb = 255; //if (cr > 255)cr = 255; //if(cb < 255)cb = -cb; //if(cr < 255)cr = -cr cb = -cb; //acb = -acb; //acr = -acr; //cr = -cr; //cr += 20; //cb += 30; //println("理想cb "+(yuv(red(get(x,y)),green(get(x,y)),blue(get(x,y)))[2]-128)); //println("cb "+cb); //println("理想cr "+(yuv(red(get(x,y)),green(get(x,y)),blue(get(x,y)))[1]-128)); //println("cr "+cr); //println("0 "+cr); //println("1 "+acr); //println("cb"+cb); //println("cr"+cr); float mi = 0; //cr += mi; //cb -= 1; cr *= 5; cb *= 5; int co = 40; if (cr > co || cr < -co)cr = 0; if (cb > co || cb < -co)cb = 0; if (cr > 2 && cr < -2 )cr = 0; if (cb > 2 && cb < -2 )cb = 0; int ac = 128; if (cr > ac)cr = ac; if (cb > ac)cb = ac; if (cr < -ac)cr = -ac; if (cb < -ac)cb = -ac; //pcr = cr; //pcb = cb; pcr = (cr+pcr*2)/3; pcb = (cb+pcb*2)/3; c = rgb((bu[x*4]+bu[x*4+1]/8), ((cr-mi)*1), ((cb)*1)); pg.set(x*2, y, c); //pg.point(x*2, y); //pg.stroke(c); //pg.point(x*2+1, y); //pg.stroke(color(255, 0, 0)); //pg.point(x*2+1, 32); pg.set(x*2+1, y, c); float b = 1.1; int xx = 1; pgmono.set(int(x*4+0+xx), y, color(int(bu[x*4+0]/b))); pgmono.set(int(x*4+1+xx), y, color(int(bu[x*4+1]/b))); pgmono.set(int(x*4+2+xx), y, color(int(bu[x*4+2]/b))); pgmono.set(int(x*4+3+xx), y, color(int(bu[x*4+3]/b))); //println(int(bu[x*4+0]/b)); //pg.point(x*4+2, y); //pg.point(x*4+3, y); //println((s1-s2)); } } println(millis()+"ms "+"データ解析終了"); pg.endDraw(); pgmono.endDraw(); pg2.beginDraw(); println(millis()+"ms "+"画像拡大開始"); for (int y = 0; y < 480; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 640/2; x++) { float rr; float gg; float bb; rr = red(pg.get(x, y)); gg = green(pg.get(x, y)); bb = blue(pg.get(x, y)); pg2.set(x*2, y, color(rr, gg, bb)); float r; float g; float b; r = red(pg.get(x, y)); g = green(pg.get(x, y)); b = blue(pg.get(x, y)); r += red(pg.get(x+1, y)); g += green(pg.get(x+1, y)); b += blue(pg.get(x+1, y)); r /= 2; g /= 2; b /= 2; pg2.set(x*2+1, y, color(r, g, b)); } } for (int y = 0; y < 480; y++) { float ys = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 640; x++) { float rr; float gg; float bb; rr = red(pg2.get(x, y)); gg = green(pg2.get(x, y)); bb = blue(pg2.get(x, y)); float[] temp = yuv(rr, gg, bb); float ya = temp[0]; float ua = temp[1]; float va = temp[2]; ys = (ya+ys*2)/3; float ty = ((ya-ys)*10)-64; ty = (ty/8)+ys; ty += 2; float hue = 1.1; pg2.set(x, y, rgb(ty,(ua-128)*hue,(va-128)*hue)); } } println(millis()+"ms "+"画像拡大終了"); println(millis()+"ms "+"画像表示開始"); pg2.endDraw(); image(pg2, 0, 0); println(millis()+"ms "+"画像表示終了"); println(millis()+"ms "+"画像保存開始"); pg2.get(0, 0, 640, 480).save(name+"-滲みカラー.png"); pgmono.get(0, 0, 640, 480).save(name+"-モノ.png"); println(millis()+"ms "+"画像保存終了"); /* for (int i = 0; i < 386400+256; i++) { da[i] = byte(da[i]^m); } saveBytes(name+"-out-comad.raw", da); //exit(); */ }
Actually, this monochrome photo (size 640 × 480) is programmed so that the brightness changes every 4 horizontal dots. This stripe pattern is extracted by program to make color photograph.
It uses color blur called YUV.
See Wikipedia “YUV”
But, color fringing? YUV? What is it? What? What? What? What?
If you are like KOHA mama, please see the next post.
I will introduce YUV commentary software that KOHA mother understood well and KOHA wrote in 5 minutes.