NOT OR 回路シミュレーター NOT OR circuit simulator
When creating a board that lights the LED with a NOT OR circuit, it is software that can image the actual way of lighting.
I programmed with “processing”. Because it is written only with programs without using graphic images, anyone can use it easily.
Download zip file here ↓
ソースコードは、こちら↓Source code is here
PFont font; data[] data = new data[1024]; void setup() { font = loadFont("font2.vlw"); textFont(font, 20); size(740, 480); //noStroke(); frameRate(60); background(255); String[] temp = loadStrings("状態.txt"); if (temp == null) { for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { data[i] = new data(); data[i].x = -10024; data[i].y = -10024; data[i].s = 0; data[i].in = false; } } if (temp != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { data[i] = new data(); data[i].x = int(splitTokens(temp[i], ",")[0]); data[i].y = int(splitTokens(temp[i], ",")[1]); data[i].s = int(splitTokens(temp[i], ",")[2]); data[i].ver = int(splitTokens(temp[i], ",")[6]); String ti = splitTokens(temp[i], ",")[3]; //if (random(100) < 50)data[i].in = true; if (ti.equals("true")) { data[i].in = true; //println("true"); } if (ti.equals("false")) { data[i].in = false; //println("false"); } ti = splitTokens(temp[i], ",")[4]; if (ti.equals("true")) { data[i].out = true; //println("true"); } if (ti.equals("false")) { data[i].out = false; } } } } int[] tbox(String t, int x, int y, float s, boolean h) { int[] out = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int ix = int(sin(radians(-s))*30+x); int iy = int(cos(radians(-s))*30+y); int ox = int(sin(radians(-s+180))*30+x); int oy = int(cos(radians(-s+180))*30+y); out[0] = ix; out[1] = iy; out[2] = ox; out[3] = oy; stroke(0, 64); strokeWeight(2); noFill(); beginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vertex(40*cos(radians((360*i/4)+45+s))+x, 40*sin(radians((360*i/4)+45+s))+y); } endShape(CLOSE); fill(255, 128, 128, 64); ellipse(ix, iy, 8, 8); fill(128, 128, 255, 64); ellipse(ox, oy, 8, 8); noStroke(); return out; } int[] box(String t, int x, int y, float s, boolean h) { int[] out = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int ix = int(sin(radians(-s))*30+x); int iy = int(cos(radians(-s))*30+y); int ox = int(sin(radians(-s+180))*30+x); int oy = int(cos(radians(-s+180))*30+y); out[0] = ix; out[1] = iy; out[2] = ox; out[3] = oy; stroke(0, 64); strokeWeight(2); fill(120); if (h)fill(255); beginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vertex(40*cos(radians((360*i/4)+45+s))+x, 40*sin(radians((360*i/4)+45+s))+y); } endShape(CLOSE); fill(255, 128, 128); ellipse(ix, iy, 8, 8); fill(128, 128, 255); ellipse(ox, oy, 8, 8); noStroke(); fill(0); text(t, x-21, y+8); return out; } class data { int x; int y; float s; int ix; int iy; int ox; int oy; boolean out; boolean in; int a; int ver; } boolean f; int a; void draw() { background(0xff); fill(255, 230, 200); rect(640, 0, 100, 480); for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { if (data[i].x > 740 && data[i].y > 480 && data[i].x < 0 && data[i].y < 0) { data[i].x = -1024; data[i].y = -1024; } if (data[i].x > 0 && data[i].y > 0) { if (data[i].ver != 0) { data[i].out = data[i].in; } else { data[i].out = !data[i].in; } int[] temp = box("NOT", data[i].x, data[i].y, data[i].s, data[i].out); if (data[i].ver == 0)temp = box("NOT", data[i].x, data[i].y, data[i].s, data[i].out); if (data[i].ver == 1)temp = box(" OR", data[i].x, data[i].y, data[i].s, data[i].out); data[i].ix = temp[0]; data[i].iy = temp[1]; data[i].ox = temp[2]; data[i].oy = temp[3]; } } for (int f = 0; f < 1024; f++) { data[f].a--; } //println(data[0].a); for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { for (int f = 0; f < 1024; f++) { if (data[i].x > 0 && data[i].y > 0 && data[f].x > 0 && data[f].y > 0) { float t = dist(data[i].ix, data[i].iy, data[f].ix, data[f].iy); boolean tt = false; if (t < 58) { stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); line(data[i].ix, data[i].iy, data[f].ix, data[f].iy); noStroke(); tt = true; } t = dist(data[i].ox, data[i].oy, data[f].ox, data[f].oy); if (t < 58) { stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); line(data[i].ox, data[i].oy, data[f].ox, data[f].oy); noStroke(); tt = true; } t = dist(data[i].ix, data[i].iy, data[f].ox, data[f].oy); if (t < 58) { stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); line(data[i].ix, data[i].iy, data[f].ox, data[f].oy); noStroke(); if (data[f].a <= 0) { data[f].in = data[i].out; data[f].a = 15; } } t = dist(data[i].x, data[i].y, data[f].x, data[f].y); //println(t); if (t < 70 && t > 0) { float s = atan2(data[i].x-data[f].x, data[i].y-data[f].y)+PI; data[f].x += sin(s)*8; data[f].y += cos(s)*8; tt = true; } } } } int notx = 640+50; int noty = 50; int swix = 640+50; int swiy = 50+90; box("NOT", notx, noty, 0, true); textFont(font, 10); text("青が入力赤が出力", notx-40, 15); text("反転。", notx-45, noty+40); text("出力がオンだと光る", notx-45, noty+40+10); textFont(font, 20); box(" OR", swix, swiy, 0, true); textFont(font, 10); text("そのまま出力。", notx-45, swiy+50); text("出力がオンだと光る", notx-45, swiy+50+10); textFont(font, 20); if (mousePressed) { if (!f) { if (mouseX < notx+30 && mouseX > notx-30) { if (mouseY < noty+30 && mouseY > noty-30) { for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { if (data[i].x < -10) { data[i].x = mouseX; data[i].y = mouseY; data[i].ver = 0; f = true; break; } } } } if (mouseX < swix+30 && mouseX > swix-30) { if (mouseY < swiy+30 && mouseY > swiy-30) { for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { if (data[i].x < -10) { data[i].x = mouseX; data[i].y = mouseY; data[i].ver = 1; f = true; break; } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { if (mouseX < data[i].x+30 && mouseX > data[i].x-30) { if (mouseY < data[i].y+30 && mouseY > data[i].y-30) { data[i].x = mouseX; data[i].y = mouseY; data[i].s = deg; } } } } else { f = false; } tbox("", mouseX, mouseY, deg, false); } float deg; void mouseWheel(MouseEvent e ) { if ( e.getAmount() < 0 ) { //奥に向かって回転させる deg = deg - (22.5/2); } else { //手前に向かって回転させる deg = deg + (22.5/2); } } void dispose() { String[] temp = new String[1024]; /*int x; int y; float s; int ix; int iy; int ox; int oy; boolean out; boolean in; int a; */ for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { temp[i] = nf(data[i].x); temp[i] += ","; temp[i] += nf(data[i].y); temp[i] += ","; temp[i] += nf(data[i].s); temp[i] += ","; temp[i] += nf(data[i].a); temp[i] += ","; if (data[i].in) { temp[i] += "true"; } else { temp[i] += "false"; } temp[i] += ","; if (data[i].out) { temp[i] += "true"; } else { temp[i] += "false"; } temp[i] += ","; temp[i] += nf(data[i].ver); temp[i] += ","; } saveStrings("状態.txt", temp); }
It is like this when the circuit on the right of the top image is corrected to the circuit diagram.
You can place it in any position by dragging and dropping like the video below. You can also rotate.
Set red and blue points as input and output. If you misplace it, drag and drop it outside the screen, you can throw it away.
I would be happy if it helps to create a NOT OR circuit board.